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US Comic
Action Comics (1938) 501-600
#513: 1st appearance "HIVE" #521: 1st appearance "Mari Jiwe McCabe" aka "Vixen" #544: 1st appearance "Lex Corp Battlesuit" #583: 1st full appearance "Jonathan Elliot" #592: 1st appearance "Sleez" #595: 1st appearance "Silver Banshee"...
ab 4,00 €
US Comic
Action Comics (2016) 1029-1049,1051-1074,1076-present
Zustand: (neu)
Ausgaben: 1029-1035,1037-1049,1051-1053,1056,1057,1059-1061,1063-1064,1067,1069,1070-1074,1076,1077,1081
Zustand: (neu)
Ausgaben: 1029-1035,1037-1049,1051-1053,1056,1057,1059-1061,1063-1064,1067,1069,1070-1074,1076,1077,1081
4,99 €
US Comic
Amazing Spider-Man (2003) 500,509,529,530,531,539,544,545,546,550,565,568-573,583,600
2003-2013 #509: 1st appearance "Sarah Stacey" #529: 1st "Iron Spider" suit #539: Black "Spider-Man" costume #545: 1st appearance "Lily Holister" #546: 1st appearance "Mr. Negative" #550: 1st appearance "Lily Hollister" as "Menace" #565:...
ab 6,00 €
US Comic
Amazing Spider-Man (2003) Marko Djurdjevic Variant Cover 544
Marko Djurdjevic Variant Cover (544C)
ab 3,00 €
US Comic
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) 14,26,35-38,40-49,51-55,57-59,61-akt
2022 ($4.99)
Zustand: (new)
Ausgaben: 14,26,35-38,40-49,51-55,57-59,61-64
Zustand: (new)
Ausgaben: 14,26,35-38,40-49,51-55,57-59,61-64
4,99 €
US Comic
Adventures of Superman (1987) 424-480,496,497
formerly Superman 1987-1993 #463: 4th "Superman" vs. "Flash" race #465: 1st appearance "Hank Henshaw" #480: 1st appearance "Ron Troupe" #496: 3rd cameo appearance "Doomsday" #497: 2nd battle "Doomsday" vs."Superman"
ab 1,50 €
US Comic
Amazing Spider-Man (2014) 2,3,5,6,8,11,13-18
Zustand: (neu)
Ausgaben: 2,3,6,8,11,13-18
Zustand: (neu)
Ausgaben: 2,3,6,8,11,13-18
3,99 €
US Comic
US Comic
US Comic
Amazing Spider-Man (2014) 1,4,7,9,10,12
#01: 1st appearance "Cindy Moon" #04: 1st appearance "Silk" #09: 2nd appearance "Spider-Gwen" #10: 1st appearance "Spider-Punk" #12: 1st appearance "Leopardon"
ab 5,50 €
US Comic
Amazing Spider-Man: Venom 3D (2019) 1
2019 ($7.99, with 3-D glasses) Reprint of Amazing Spider-Man #300
30,00 €
US Comic
US Comic
US Comic
US Comic
US Comic
US Comic
Alpha Flight (Vol.1) 1-20,33,51,106,130
1983-1994 #1: 1st appearance "Puc", "Marrina", "Wild Child"
#33: 1st appearance "Lady Deathstrike" (Yuriko Oyama) #51: 1st "Jim Lee" work at Marvel #106: "Northstar" reveals he is homosexual
ab 3,00 €
US Comic
Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 301-400
1963-1998 #315: 2nd appearance "Venom" #316: 1st cover appearance "Venom" / 3rd appearance "Venom" #317: 4th appearance "Venom" #323: 1st appearance "Solo" #329: 1st appearance "Tri-Sentinel #340: 1st appearance "Femme Fatales" #342: 1st...
ab 2,50 €
US Comic
US Comic
Avengers (Vol.1) 301-313,315-325,327-345,347-349,351-402
Zustand: (0-2)
Ausgaben: 301-306,308-311,313,315-320,323-325,327-342,345,347-354,356,360,363,366,369,372,375,376,378-381,397,401,402
Zustand: (0-2)
Ausgaben: 301-306,308-311,313,315-320,323-325,327-342,345,347-354,356,360,363,366,369,372,375,376,378-381,397,401,402
2,75 €
US Comic
US Comic
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) 1:25 Variant Cover 63
Lucas Werneck Variant Cover (63-RI)
Ausgaben: Nr.63 1:25 Variant Cover (new)
Ausgaben: Nr.63 1:25 Variant Cover (new)
25,00 €
US Comic
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) Disney 100 Variant 63
Ausgaben: Nr.63 Disney 100 Variant (new)
Ausgaben: Nr.63 Disney 100 Variant (new)
4,99 €
US Comic
Amazing Spider-Man (2022) 1:25 Variant Cover 64
Stonehouse Variant (64-RI)
Ausgaben: Nr.64 1:25 Variant Cover (new)
Ausgaben: Nr.64 1:25 Variant Cover (new)
25,00 €
US Comic
Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 201-300
1963-1998 #209: 1st appearance "Calypso" #210: 1st appearance "Madame Web #212: 1st appearance "Hydro Man" #238: 1st appearance "Hobgoblin" #256: 1st appearance "Puma" #265: 1st appearance "Silver Sable" #271: 1st appearance...
ab 2,00 €
US Comic
Avengers (Vol.1) 201-300
1963-1996 #211: "Tigra" joins "Avengers" #221: "She-Hulk" joins "Avengers" #227: 2nd appearance "Captain Marvel" (Monica Rambeau) #232: "Starfox" joins "Avengers" #257: 1st appearance "Nebula" #260: 1st cover appearance "Nebula" #267:...
ab 1,50 €
US Comic
US Comic
Aquaman (2016) 25-66
DC Rebirth, Aug. 2016 - No. 66, Feb. 2021
Zustand: (neu)
Ausgaben: 25,35,36,38-41,43-55,57,59,60,63-66
Zustand: (neu)
Ausgaben: 25,35,36,38-41,43-55,57,59,60,63-66
3,99 €
US Comic
Adventures of Superman (1987) 0,481-495,498-649
formerly Superman 1987-1993
Zustand: (0-2)
Ausgaben: 0,481-495,498-501,507-509,512-557,559-561,563,573-578,580,584,588,590-592,595,597-600,602-605,609,612-614,617,627-633,635,637,644-648
Zustand: (0-2)
Ausgaben: 0,481-495,498-501,507-509,512-557,559-561,563,573-578,580,584,588,590-592,595,597-600,602-605,609,612-614,617,627-633,635,637,644-648
3,00 €
US Comic
Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 401-441
1963-1998 #406: 1st full appearance "Lady Octopus" #410: 1st appearance "Spider-Carnage" #414: 1st appearance "Delilah" #419: 1st cameo appearance "Black Tarantula #421: 1st appearance "Dragonfly" #430: 1st appearance "Carnage Cosmic...
ab 1,00 €
US Comic
Aquaman (1994) 3-75
1994-2001 (3rd Series)
Zustand: (0-2)
Ausgaben: 9-22,24-43,45-56,58-73,75
Zustand: (0-2)
Ausgaben: 9-22,24-43,45-56,58-73,75
2,50 €
US Comic
Action Comics (1938) 0,671-903
Folgende Nummern sind sind seltener und getrennt aufgelistet: 674 683 684 685 765 775 806 835 894 900
Zustand: (0-2)
Ausgaben: 671-673,675-682,685-691,694-700,702-760,762-764,766-769,773,777-779,782,783,788,790,791,805,807,814-819,821,824,825-827,829,831,832,836-843,846-852,854-856,859-862,864,865,868,871-893,895,901,902
Zustand: (0-2)
Ausgaben: 671-673,675-682,685-691,694-700,702-760,762-764,766-769,773,777-779,782,783,788,790,791,805,807,814-819,821,824,825-827,829,831,832,836-843,846-852,854-856,859-862,864,865,868,871-893,895,901,902
2,99 €
US Comic
US Comic
US Comic
US Comic
Will Eisner's The Spirit: Artist's Edition (2013) XXL HC Vol.1,2
XXL Oversized HC Vol.1: 2013 Vol.2: 2014
ab 91,00 €
US Comic
US Comic
Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 101-200
1963-1998 #103: 1st appearance "Gog" #113: 1st appearance "Hammerhead" #121: Death of "Gwen Stacy" #124: 1st appearance "Man-Wolf" #129: 1st appearance "Punisher" #135: 2nd appearance "Punisher" #184: 1st appearance "White Dragon" #194:...
ab 5,00 €
US Comic
US Comic
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